Spring Gifts

Toddler Career Costumes

September 3, 2012 | By More

Toddlers are at the precious stage where they’re old enough to want to have a say in what they wear on Halloween night, but not influenced by trends. They just know what they like, and career costumes are often what they choose. Toddlers look up to Mom and Dad, and if you have a career where a uniform is involved, don’t be surprised if your child wants to be you this year for Halloween. But if not, they’re still familiar with the people who serve a community and they admire those people. So don’t be surprised if they want to imitate them for Halloween.

One of the most popular career costumes for toddlers is a military selection. Boys or girls can opt to dress up in Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine gear, and then they can choose from rugged uniforms, life fatigues, to dress uniforms. More career choices that protect our community are costumes like SWAT team members, FBI detectives, police officers, or firemen. The costumes vary in terms of accessories, but they’re all very realistic in depicting the career. Health care professionals are part of the community, and they’re people your child has interacted with. Your son or daughter may want to dress up as a nurse or doctor, complete with stethoscope and lab coat.

The Olympics are always a springboard for athletic costumes rising in popularity. Your little boy or girl could dress up as an Olympian or a regular athlete, portraying a football star, baseball player, or something else. Girls like to be cheerleaders for their favorite sports teams, so you might consider a cute toddler girl cheerleader for your little one. Another sports costume they might choose is a referee, but make sure they have a whistle they can blow for fun.

Does your child love adventure? Then they may want to dress up as a top gun pilot or even an astronaut if they want to shoot for the stars. If staying closer to the ground is a career they’re interested in, and driving a car or train hits the spot, then they may want to dress up as a postal employee, UPS driver, or train engineer.

Kids parties often include fun professionals like magicians and clowns. Your toddler may wan to dress up in one of these two costumes for Halloween. If he or she is a magician, teach them a couple of routine and simple tricks they can perform for others. Inexpensive magic kits are available for kids that have some easy to do, but awe inspiring tricks. Well, awe inspiring for a toddler, anyway. Just be careful to be aware of the age suggestion because of the possibility of small parts.

Being a Celebrity Starlet may not really register to your toddler girl at this age, but they do understand to a degree about the red carpet, fancy dresses and lovely costume jewelry. Take plenty of pictures and be her special paparazzi for the evening to complete the look.

Here are some Toddler Halloween Costumes ideas.

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Category: Toddler Costume Ideas