Spring Gifts

Mom’s Still Right: Wash Your Hands!

May 20, 2023 | By More

So we just lived through a worldwide pandemic with Covid, and the virus is still around, even if not as bad, thanks to vaccines and boosters. But in the Middle Ages, people had no concept of germs. They certainly couldn’t be seen, but the effects of these invisible critters surely made an impact on the health of the people of the times. People died on a very regular basis, due to germs, bringing disease and serious illness upon one and all. Although people were aware of the illnesses brought about by spoiled food, they were unaware of the culprit behind it. They did know that preserving foods with salt and a variety of herbs and spices, prevented many illnesses; however, other diseases and illnesses persisted and remained a mystery, until the age of science matured to the discovery of germs.

The germ became the nemesis of every household, with many a mishap laid at the door of the ubiquitous germ. It was found that the hands were the major transporters of the germs. It also was discovered that cleaning the hands frequently reduced the incidence of illness. Who knows who was the first mother to proclaim, “Wash your hands!” in motherly and righteous indignation? This information is lost in time, but we’re still hearing it today, and with good reason.

When you wash your hands out of respect for Mom, a dab of soap never hurts. In fact, soap and hot water, washing for at least twenty seconds, is a simple recipe for removing germs from your daily list of worries. They go down the drain, and your now clean hands are free of dirt and grunge and are now less likely to pass on germs that cause disease.

The problem is that, although we now all know better, Mom’s old plea to wash your hands before eating has become a simple nagging statement. It’s been so long since germ-borne illness has had a major impact on health, Mom’s good advice has become time-worn and out of date. No one really believes that fixing and eating a ham sandwich before washing your hands is going to amount to anything dangerous.

Are we back to the Middle Ages mentality? Today, we have salmonella cropping up in eggs, vegetables and meats, causing illness and even sometimes, death as a result of not washing your hands before preparing food. The E-coli bacteria has sickened thousands of people and killed some, simply for a lack of heeding Mom’s standby phrase, “Wash your hands, Please!”

Yes, folks, the germ theory has been proven beyond a doubt. Just because we now have new mutations of germs does not negate the fact that germs cause disease. That germs have changed and become more prevalent in newer, more vicious forms doesn’t mean the germs of the Middle Ages are not still with us today. The threat of germ borne illness is as viable now as it was in centuries past.

Granted, modern medicine has devised complex miracle drugs which can defeat the germs. Unfortunately, the invisible germ has adapted to the times, modifying its capabilities via mutation, to defeat the miracle drugs. At this point in time, the germs are winning on some fronts.

Many of our common germ-based illnesses might be held in check on a very short leash, provided we all get a reality check. Wash your hands after sneezing, coughing, visiting the restroom and prior to preparing food. And don’t forget, with coughing and sneezing, be sure to do it vampire style. Vampire style is a cute way of saying that you should should into the crook of your elbow instead into your hands. Hands touch things; let’s not put more germs on them lest we deposit them everywhere for others to pick up and be sickened.

After all, we’ve got running hot water, bars of soap and a minute to spend, sending those nasty germs down the drain.

Who wants to be sick? Listen to Mom. Wash your hands, Please!!!

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Category: Health