Mace Spray
I wonder how safe you are when you make that stroll from the shopping mall to your parked vehicle. Although it is only two o’clock in the afternoon, the parking level you chose is rather dim and secluded. It’s funny, but whenever I walk through these, there’s hardly anyone in sight. Therefore I wonder how easy it would be for an assailant to make his move. The sad truth is it would only take seconds and it’s likely to involve the element of surprise. This is what most attackers thrive on. Surprise generally grants them the upper-hand.
So, the question is, what actions are you going to take to prevent such a frightening encounter? Well, you could avoid any and all parking level garages, but I seriously doubt this is a reasonable answer. Or, you could invest in a personal model of mace spray. This powerful deterrent has the strength to put an attacker on the ground.
I am a full believer in self-defense and necessary precautions. Some individuals despise the fact that people actually acquire a license to carry a handgun. I do not! If this is what makes you feel safe and secure, then maybe it’s the route for you. Just be certain you train well and have it accessible, or it’s likely to be of no use to you in a confrontation. If firearms frighten you, there are other options like mace spray or pepper spray to be more specific. Mace is the popular brand name. There are others to choose from, but this one has been around for some time now
Okay, let’s say you do choose to tote around some mace spray. How do you plan to use it in the event of a criminal confrontation? My advice is to have it accessible at all times. I do realize that most women who choose this solution will carry the can of pepper spray in their purse. This is fine; however, if you can’t get to it in time, it’s useless.
What you need to do is take the mace spray out of your purse and literally carry it in your hand when walking to your vehicle, or when climbing the stairs to your apartment, or strolling down the sidewalk at night to a local cafe. Once you’re safe, put it back. And then when you’re outdoors again, place it in your palm, ready for action. This way if you are attacked, you’ll be ready to spray immediately.
Be aware! This is half the battle when staying safe. If you’re not aware of your surroundings, you’re likely to get jumped and assaulted off-guard. Being vigilant will also help deter attackers. They’re looking for compliant victims. Not the woman with her head up, eyes wide, and a can of pepper spray in her grip.
Ladies, you can’t be too careful! Check out these Mace Spray Keychains!
Category: Safety & Security