Spring Gifts

Expecting? Eight Herbs to Absolutely Avoid During Pregnancy!

June 12, 2012 | By More

Herbal medicine, practiced around the world for thousands of years, has almost attained mainstream popularity. Fully one third of Americans have used herbal treatments or other forms of alternative medicine. That being said, if you’re expecting, you must understand that a little bit of knowledge can indeed be dangerous when it comes to herbals. There are some herbs that may safely be used during pregnancy, but unless you are a naturopathic doctor, or consult one, it’s safest to avoid any herbal treatments during your pregnancy. Here we take a brief look at just eight herbs to avoid during pregnancy, absolutely.

This is not a comprehensive list of herbs to avoid during pregnancy. They represent some of the most dangerous to expectant Moms. Six of these will actually induce abortion and sometimes death. Two of these six are classified by the FDA as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe). One of these herbs has culinary uses. This list intends to drive home the point that you must be vigilant and always consult a naturopathic doctor before using any herbs during your pregnancy.

At the top of our list of herbs to avoid during pregnancy are Ephedra and Hoodia. These two are mentioned as they enjoy popularity as weight loss agents. Ephedra, also known as Ma-Huang, is a powerful stimulant. It does have some legitimate uses as a medicinal agent, but even experts generally use this cautiously. Hoodia is a plant traditionally used by indigenous tribes in Western Australia to help them endure hunger on long hunting forages in extreme heat. This plant is now avidly consumed by people who believe it will help them lose weight.

The next two herbs to avoid during pregnancy are Pennyroyal and Rue. Both can induce abortion and both are classified by the FDA as GRAS. Although many people drink Pennyroyal tea, in the mint family, it is the oil which brings on miscarriage and causes liver damage in quite small amounts. Rue is used as an effective antispasmodic. However, even handling the plant can cause external itching and burning of the skin. The oil causes nerve damage and may induce abortion. There are many other herbs which effectively deal with muscle spasms and that are not as dangerous.

Angelica, while having many good medicinal applications, such as helping indigestion, insomnia and nervousness, also promotes menstrual flow and can induce a miscarriage.

Juniper berry and Mandrake do not have much to recommend them in any herbal application. Both can induce spontaneous abortion. Juniper can cause kidney damage, convulsions and high blood pressure, while Mandrake causes nausea and extreme irritation of the intestines.

Tansy has been used to encourage fertility, but also can cause abortion. It deserves mention due to its common use in salads and marinades, as well as in cosmetics, notably for acne.

Again, this is only a sampling of herbs to avoid during pregnancy. If you wish to use herbs during pregnancy, consult a professional before you do!

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