Spring Gifts

Halloween Bat Wings Dinner (If You Dare)

October 13, 2013 | By More


Surprise your family this Halloween. While preparing dinner, take a cue from the witches in William Shakespeare’s MacBeth by repeating, “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.” Continue by saying something like “Eye of newt, and wing of bat . . .” as you place your Bat Wings on the table.

Obviously you don’t want to feed your family Bat Wings. However, you can make a pretty good fake Bat Wing by using chicken wings. This appetizer can be as tame, creepy speaking, as you like or you can ramp it up and make it spookier, too.

Note, these will be messy if you use the food coloring. If you leave it out, the wings won’t be as black…but neither will be your family’s mouths and fingers.

Recipe adapted from Martha Stewart

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1/4 cup oyster sauce
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup black bean sauce
  • 1 cup soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon black gel food coloring (optional)
  • 20 whole chicken wings with the tips intact

Start the sauce for the Bat Wings by combining all of the ingredients except the chicken wings in a medium bowl. Whisk these together until they are well-combined. Separate 1/3 of the sauce mixture and set it aside.

Put all of the chicken wings into a large (at least gallon size or larger) plastic zip top bag. Pour in the remaining soy sauce mixture and then ensure the bag is properly sealed. Massage the wings, turning the bag over and over, until the wings are thoroughly coated. Place the bag in the refrigerator and allow the meat to marinate for at least 2 hours. Overnight would also be good. While you’re awake, turn the massage the chicken wings every 30 minutes to ensure the sauce coats the wings.

When you are ready to prepare the wings, preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Place either parchment paper or aluminum foil on the baking sheet. This will make clean-up a breeze.

Take the wings out of the marinade and shake off any excess liquid. Throw the marinade away; this is NOT the time to reuse and recycle. Lay the chicken wings on the lined baking sheet. Try to lay the wings on the baking sheet so the wings are extended somewhat.

Bake the wings for 20 to 25 minutes or until the juices run clear when pricked with a fork. Use the soy sauce mixture you reserved to brush on the wings every 10 minutes. Take the wings out of the oven and use the remaining mixture to give the wings a final brush. Move them from the baking sheet to a wire rack to cool slightly. Arrange wings in bat formation and serve.

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Category: Halloween Recipes