Top 5 Gifts for Pets This Christmas
For some of us, our pets are just as much a part of the family, or more so, than some of our relatives. So this holiday season, don’t forget about your favorite four legged friend when buying gifts. Here you can get an idea of the top 5 gifts for pets this Christmas.
Breath Fresheners
Not only is this a gift for your pet, but also a gift for you! There are powder packets that are specially designed for dogs and cats. You just add the powder to their water and it helps clean their teeth and eliminate bacteria that can cause odors. There are also meat flavored tooth pastes with special dog and tooth brushes that also help combat bad breath. Pet Breath Fresheners
Fresh Water Bowls
Fresh water bowls are like mini fountains. They are silent and sleek looking, so they are a lot nicer to put on display in the kitchen than old fashioned plastic bowls. These electric water dishes keep water cool and circulating to give your pet a cool drink any time of day or night and hopefully keep them out of the toilet bowl. Fresh Water Bowls
FroliCat RouseDog Dart
These toys are small towers that plug into the wall and project laser lights for dogs and cats to chase. Not only will your pet be getting in a lot of exercise, you will get the entertainment pleasure of watching them run around trying to catch the little red light. There are both dog and cat versions of this toy, but they essentially do the same thing. FroliCat DART TR1 Automatic Rotating Laser Pet Toy
Best Friends by Sheri (Chaise Lounge)
Instead of trying to keep your dogs and cats from jumping on couches, beds and other furniture, you can buy them their own. These chaise lounge chairs come in fun colors and are perfect for cats, as wells as small and medium sized dogs. If your dog isn’t the chaise type, any type of dog bed is always a good gift. Best Friends by Sheri Chaise Lounge Pet Bed/Sofa
Dog DNA Kit
Your dog doesn’t care so much about his ancestry, but this is a very novel gift idea for any pet owner who has a mutt. With just a cheek swab, a DNA lab can give you a breed profile of your furry friend. Results aren’t exact, but you will be given the dominant and recessive breed genes that you dog carries and the behavior traits associated with those breeds. Wisdom Panel Mixed Breed DNA Test Kit
Category: Top Gifts for Christmas