Spring Gifts

All Natural Skin Care

June 11, 2012 | By More

Take care of your mug! I’ll bet no one’s ever told you that before. They may have said take care of your teeth or your heart, but I doubt they mentioned your face. Am I right? Regardless of what folks say, I’m telling you now that you should focus a little attention to your complexion. This personal quality, like many others we’re born with, is rare to say the least. Meaning, you only get one face in life. This is why you’ll want to take great care of it with all natural skin care solutions. Some of these won’t even cost you a cent.

Take a gander in the mirror. What do you see exactly? Better yet, how would you rate your complexion on a 1–10 scale? Is it rough, oily, dry, scarred, red, patchy, dull, clear, radiant, pristine, or ideal? Come on, you would surely know. Address the dilemmas with your complexion and then focus on remedying them. One of the first steps any and every human being can take involves all natural skin care. I’m talking about your diet. If you improve your daily food intake, it will better balance your skin. Now, let’s address a few nutritional solutions that will improve your image. Water is essential. Our bodies are 70 percent water already, so naturally we need plenty of it to live. Vegetables are amazing! You may not think that some of them taste amazing, but I tell you they are nature’s gift to your skin. Consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables on a regular basis will improve your skin’s clarity and texture for sure. Okay, now for the opposite all natural skin care solutions. What you shouldn’t eat! Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat and sodium. By this I especially mean fast food from, well, you know those joints. Furthermore, steer clear of sugar. Candy, cakes, pies, soft drinks, sweets, and treats will certainly lead to skin eruptions. You might wake up one day with a maze of zits on your face and wonder why. Well, ponder the things you ate the day before. That’s probably related.

All natural skin care is fairly inexpensive if you ask me. Much of this remedy consists of what you eat on a regular basis. Proper nutrition along with a good skin care regimen will keep your mug looking stellar for years to come.

Now skin care for the rest of your body is a little more complex. About three years ago, I started a company specializing in all natural skin care products. I came at it from a rather novel approach. I was a specialist in herbal treatments for many different diseases. I have had formal studies as an herbalist for several years, as well as an apprenticeship in traditional Chinese medicine. Although very few of the things that we herbalists make are useful for all natural skincare, I thought that I could use my knowledge of herbs and extracts to help make better products.

A lot of my friends were pretty skeptical when I first came up with the idea. You see, I come up with a lot of projects, but I have never been all that good at following through on them. They had expected my all natural skin care business to be the same. When I came out with my first skin anti aging cream, they figured that I would be out of business in three or four months at most. When I came out with a new line of all natural skin care products meant for dry, chapped skin, they figured it would flop within the first year. Now, three years down the line, my all natural skin care business is still doing very well. They cannot figure out how I do it.

When my friends ask about how to make money in the all natural skin care industry, the answer is easy. I tell them that the secret is finding a niche market. You see, all natural skin care is not that new, and it is not that specialized. People from all over the world buy skin care all natural beauty products to heal and rejuvenate their bodies. What I do that the other companies don’t, however, is to cash in on a local clientele. Not only do I sell all natural skin care products, but I sell them made from locally grown, indigenous plant oils. Rather than being imported from all around the world, they are all made right here in Oregon.

A lot of people are willing to pay quite a bit of money for all natural skin care that they can trust. If they know that it is locally grown and manufactured, they can feel good about what they are buying. And feeling good about their purchases is what keeps the customers coming back over and over again.


Category: Health